Monday, 28 November 2011

Quote 3 - Marshall McLuhan

"In our new global village the consumers will become the producers." Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan was a educator, philosopher and scholar. He is most known for the expression "the medium is the message", and eventually writing the book "The Medium is the Massage".

This quote was first introduced during the Innovation lecture, and my first, honest, thought was 'that doesn't make much sense'. However, once the lecturer, gave an example to explain this, it made slightly more sense. The example given was Social Networking Sites, in particular Facebook. The fact that us (the consumers) are using the site and interacting with it, eventually leads to us producing the site. I suppose to some extreme this is true, that because we are living in the technological age, where we are regularly checking our Twitter and Facebook accounts, and our e-mail's, even when we are away from home, means that because the consumers interact with the sites etc, leads to the consumers becoming the producer.

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